Rent 1-room apartment in Pavlodar at the YESTAY street 89(Arthur, fair), at the intersection of Yestay - Kutuzov, within walking distance of the Fair, Arthur, the Palace of sports, volleyball team, Chess House, quasar . For your convenience: for your convenience, wi-Fi, Smart TV, microwave oven, washing machine, air conditioning, iron, Hairdryer, always fresh linens, the apartment we do not smoke (Smoking is possible on the balcony), for parties and parties do not rent, Pets are not welcome. For business travelers full package of documents. We work on cash and Bank transfer. Day 8000 tenge, night 6500 tenge, the first hour 2000 tenge, the next 500 tenge, from 2 days discounts are provided. CLEAN-COMFORTABLE-COMFORTABLE. DAY-NIGHT-CLOCK. Call around the clock.
Stats total: | 3052 |
Stats month: | 100 |
Stats week: | 28 |
Stats today: | 6 |