
1-room apartment for daily rent in the center, №29635

1-room apartment for daily rent in the center
Sleeping places

The price is valid for stays of 7 days. 1 bedroom apartment for rent in economy class! Downtown. Near the house there are all types of transport: bus, tram. In the walking distance of DIA, NSC, Manakbai market. The apartment is fully furnished. Everything for a comfortable stay: clean and quality linen, detergents. There are all necessary utensils, household appliances: electric stove, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, cable TV. The whole package of documents is sent with a fiscal check. Check out time is 1 p.m.

washing machine
cable TV
Stats total: 3638
Stats month: 90
Stats week: 15
Stats today: 5
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1-bedroom apartment in Pavlodar
6 000 KZT
6 000 KZT

1-bedroom apartment in Pavlodar

Floor: 2, Rooms: 4, Sleeping places: 1
Pavlodar, Str. Satpayev; Str. Academician Chokina, Ak. Satpaev str.
Object orient: CDS, Enbankment, Administration, Kazakhtelecom, KazTransOil
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1-room apartment
6 000 KZT
6 000 KZT

1-room apartment

Floor: 4, Rooms: 5, Sleeping places: 1
Pavlodar, Str. Satpayev; Str. Academician Chokina, Ak. Satpaeva str.
Object orient: shop "French House", stop "CUS"
1-room apartment in city centre of Pavlodar. The house is located in an area with developed infrastructure administrations, banks, business center, shopping at home. The...
1-bedroom apartment daily
6 000 KZT
6 000 KZT

1-bedroom apartment daily

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Pavlodar, Str. Tolstoy; str. Kutuzova, Krivanko str.
Object orient: New Mosque nm. after Mashkhur Zhusup, ice palace "Astana", Friendship House, the Palace of Pioneers
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1-bedroom apartment daily
6 000 KZT
6 000 KZT

1-bedroom apartment daily

Floor: 2, Rooms: 5, Sleeping places: 1
Pavlodar, Str. Satpayev; Str. Academician Chokina, Lermontova str.
Object orient: Manakbay bazaar
Rent of impeccable 1-bedroom apartment in the city center. Day, hour, week. Fresh euro renovation, new furniture, perfectly clean and cozy. There is everything you...
1-bedroom apartment daily
6 000 KZT
6 000 KZT

1-bedroom apartment daily

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Pavlodar, Str. Satpayev; Str. Academician Chokina, Krivenko str.
Object orient: Mosque
Apartment in the center. Nearby there is Mosque, TH Tulpar, Arthur, Chess house. Beautiful furniture, quiet clean entrance. We provide a package of documents with...
Оne-room apartment daily  in Pavlidar
5 500 KZT
5 500 KZT

Оne-room apartment daily in Pavlidar

Floor: 5, Rooms: 9, Sleeping places: 1
Pavlodar, Str. Tolstoy; str. Kutuzova, Tolstoy str.
Object orient: Tolstoy - Kataev
Air-conditioning, water Heater, Aquaphor, microwave oven, washing machine, telephone, cable TV, a double bed, round-the-clock parking and a shop, balcony, cooker with oven, fridge, clean...
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6 000 KZT
Standard price
Address and contact
Pavlodar, Str. Satpayev; Str. Academician Chokina, Bekturov
Object orient:
Phone number