
1-room apartment for daily rent in Karaganda, №19600

1-room apartment for daily rent in Karaganda
30 m2
Sleeping places

Apartment for rent decent people. The apartment has all appliances, furniture, LCD TV with cable TV, internet. Hot and cold water. Always clean bedding, disposable supplies. Near the house there is a supermarket, cafes and restaurants. Not smoky! The apartment is non-smoking, have a balcony. Cleanliness is guaranteed!

microwave oven
iron, ironing board
hair dryer
no smoking
Beauty salon
Automated Teller Machine
Shopping center
Notary officer
Stats total: 5418
Stats month: 66
Stats week: 19
Stats today: 4
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6 000 KZT
Standard price
Address and contact
Karaganda, Abdyrova av., N. Abdirova
Object orient:
Phone number