
1-room apartment for daily rent in Karaganda, №10515

1-room apartment for daily rent in Karaganda
30 m2
Sleeping places

A cozy and modern interior, not smoked, all appliances, titanium, heated floors. Rent respectable people, family, business travelers persons pair. Provides booking. A complete set of documents: a fiscal receipt, invoice. The apartment is not designed for corporate events and parties - please do not disturb! Your comfort - our concern!

cable TV
parking place
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1-room apartment for daily rent in the center
6 000 KZT
6 000 KZT

1-room apartment for daily rent in the center

Floor: 5, Rooms: 5, Sleeping places: 1
Karaganda, Erzhanova st., N. Abdirova
Object orient: School №41
Clean, spacious, comfortable, warm apartment in the city center, studio, Location - shop Jubilee. There are all necessary appliances: fridge, kettle, micro. stove, LCD TV,...
Apartment for rent in Karaganda
6 000 KZT
6 000 KZT

Apartment for rent in Karaganda

Floor: 4, Rooms: 5, Sleeping places: 1
Karaganda, Abdyrova av., Nurkena Abdirova sve.
Object orient: Stop Dream
Clean and comfortable studio apartment in the center of Karaganda. Absolutely all conditions for a comfortable stay and stay. Documents for travel.
1-room apartment daily, Karaganda
6 000 KZT
6 000 KZT

1-room apartment daily, Karaganda

Floor: 2, Rooms: 10, Sleeping places: 1
Karaganda, Bukhar-Zhyrau av., Bukhara-Zhyrau
Object orient: SH "Sulpak", SH "Pyramid"
The apartment is warm and cozy, Wi-Fi-Internet, Electrical titanium, cable TV, telephone, fully furnished, all appliances, separate bathroom, balcony, all the infrastructure side. It is...
1-room apartment, 25 Abdirov str.
6 000 KZT
6 000 KZT

1-room apartment, 25 Abdirov str.

Floor: 3, Rooms: 9, Sleeping places: 1
Karaganda, "Yubileynyi" store, Abdirova ave.
I rent a one-room apartment, located in the center of the city. (Abdirov av. 25). Clean, spacious, renovated apartment. The apartment has everything you need...
1-room apartment for daily rent in Karaganda
6 000 KZT
6 000 KZT

1-room apartment for daily rent in Karaganda

Floor: 2, Rooms: 4, Sleeping places: 1
Karaganda, Bukhar-Zhyrau av., Loboda
Object orient: Kaskad, Administration
All the amenities for living in comfort. Internet Wi-fi. All the necessary appliances, close parking, Downtown. We provide a complete package of documents (fiscal receipt,...
1-room apartment for daily rent, 15 Komissarova st
6 000 KZT
6 000 KZT

1-room apartment for daily rent, 15 Komissarova st

Floor: 4, Rooms: 6, Sleeping places: 1
Karaganda, 1000 trifles, Komissarova str.
Object orient: 1000 things
Small, but cozy and comfortable apartment for daily rent in the center of Karaganda. The apartment is rented on a monthly basis and also bounds....
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6 000 KZT
Standard price
Address and contact
Karaganda, Bukhar-Zhyrau av., Bukhar Zhyrau
Object orient: Buhar Zhirau
Phone number