
Mini hotel "Alikhan" | Astana

Mini hotel

Hotel rooms in the center of Astana. Our hotel is equipped with all the necessary amenities: a TV and fridge, internet Wi-Fi, bathrooms and showers in each room. Directly next to the hotel there are all the sights of Astana, office buildings, shopping and business centers and more. In short an ideal place for city tourists. Also, our hotel services targeted for the travel guests of the capital, as many government agencies and national companies are located within walking distance from our hotel. We are glad to welcome you in our cozy hotel "Alikhan"!

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Stats month: 111
Stats week: 34
Stats today: 4
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Address and contact
Astana, Left Bank, Water-green avenue 1
Object orient: Next to the circular area - Astana, KMG, new mosque "Nur-Astana" Expocenter of Korma, Kazakhstan Temir Zholy, TC "Asia Park" TC "Keruen" Baiterek
Phone number