This two-bedroom apartment in Ekibastuz has convenient location. The apartment is located in the city center. There is everything for comfortable living: Alma TV, phone, all appliances: refrigerator, stove, microwave, kettle, iron, washing machine. The discount and full package of documents for travelers (fiscal receipt, receipts and cash receipt, invoice, lease, letter from the tax, a copy of SP). At the event the apartment is not rented. Smoking is prohibited in the apartment!
The apartment is located in the vicinity of the shop "Kairat". There is everything for a comfortable stay: unlimited internet Wi-Fi, Alma TV, telephone. Household...
The apartment is located in downtown area "Maxi Mall". There is everything for a comfortable stay: unlimited internet Wi-Fi, Alma TV, phone, home appliances: refrigerator,...
We offer you a 2-bedroom apartment for rent, located on Lenin Street, district "Caspian Bank". The apartment has everything for a comfortable stay: Internet Wi-Fi,...
Rent of 2-bedroom apartment in Ekibastuz. The apartment is located in the city center near the "Dostyk". There is everything for a comfortable stay: unlimited...
Excellent option of renting an apartment in Ekibastuz. Offered for rent one bedroom apartment is great, very warm and bright. For a comfortable stay home...
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