The apartment is located in downtown area "Maxi Mall". There is everything for a comfortable stay: unlimited internet Wi-Fi, Alma TV, phone, home appliances: refrigerator, stove, microwave, kettle, iron, washing machine. Discounts for travelers, a full package of documents (fiscal receipt, receipts and cash receipt, invoice, lease, letter from the tax, a copy of SP). Apartment for events not give up! Smoking is forbidden!
This two-bedroom apartment in Ekibastuz has convenient location. The apartment is located in the city center. There is everything for comfortable living: Alma TV, phone,...
The apartment is located in the vicinity of the shop "Kairat". There is everything for a comfortable stay: unlimited internet Wi-Fi, Alma TV, telephone. Household...
Excellent option of renting an apartment in Ekibastuz. Offered for rent one bedroom apartment is great, very warm and bright. For a comfortable stay home...
We offer you a 2-bedroom apartment for rent, located on Lenin Street, district "Caspian Bank". The apartment has everything for a comfortable stay: Internet Wi-Fi,...
Rent of 2-bedroom apartment in Ekibastuz. The apartment is located in the city center near the "Dostyk". There is everything for a comfortable stay: unlimited...
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