
"Semey" hotel

"Semey" hotel offers comfortable hotel rooms of different types and prices. There is telephone, TV-set, bathroom in every hotel room. There is a parking near the hotel. The room booking is 20% of the price.


Stats total: 47943
Stats month: 74
Stats week: 18
Stats today: 1
Category room hotel
"Semey" hotel
8 500 KZT
8 500 KZT
This cosy room is with comfortable double bed. Internet wi-fi access and breakfast are included in the price.
"Semey" hotel
11 500 KZT
11 500 KZT
Spacious double room can accommodate one or two guests. Interior room is made in elegant peach and pink colors. The room is equipped with one...
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Address and contact
Ust-Kamenogorsk, Centre, 30 Gogol st.
Object orient: Culture House of Metallurgists
Phone number