
1 bedroom luxury apartment, №22559

1 bedroom luxury apartment
Sleeping places
All guests and residents of the city. We suggest to use for rent 1-room. apartment. Freshly renovated, it has all the necessary furniture, new plumbing. The apartment is not stained. The cost of renting one-bedroom. apartment (KZT): Daily 5000. Check conditions: Breakage document (optional) - ID card, passport, driving license. For information !!! Do not rented for events and noisy parties. STRICTLY PROHIBIT SMOKING !!!! We look forward to solid and respectable customers love and comfort !!!
microwave oven
cable TV
shower cabin
no smoking
no pets
Beauty salon
Automated Teller Machine
Street parking
Clothing store
Shopping center
Stats total: 4612
Stats month: 69
Stats week: 21
Stats today: 2
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1-bedroom apartment daily, hourly
5 000 KZT
5 000 KZT

1-bedroom apartment daily, hourly

Floor: 3, Rooms: 5, Sleeping places: 1
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1-room apartment in Ust-Kamenogorsk
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1-room apartment in Ust-Kamenogorsk

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Studio apartment daily
5 000 KZT
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Studio apartment daily

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1-bedroom apartment daily
4 500 KZT
4 500 KZT

1-bedroom apartment daily

Floor: 2, Rooms: 5, Sleeping places: 1
Ust-Kamenogorsk, Str. Burow, Grange
Object orient: Consultative clinics, School № 4, The Library nm. Pushkin
Warm and cozy 1-bedroom apartment in the city center. The repair. Has everything you need for your stay. Parking. We can meet in agreement with...
5 000 KZT
5 000 KZT

Floor: 2, Rooms: 5, Sleeping places: 1
Ust-Kamenogorsk, Nezavisimost st.,
Object orient: 45 pharmacy, 11 school
Nice apartment of 45 pharmacies. Clean and comfortable bedding is always fresh. In the center of the city is designed for one, two persons, has...
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5 000 KZT
Standard price
Address and contact
Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kabanbay batyr st., Kabanbai Batyra str.
Object orient:
Phone number