
Hotel "Sardar"


 Hotel "Sardar" invites visitors and residents of Shymkent. The hotel offers affordable accommodation. The hotel is located in a nice area on the street "Tauke Khan". In our hotel you will feel the real comfort. We have everything that can be useful away from home: household appliances and furniture. Also provides free Wi-FI service and a guarded parking lot. Also available: taxi, air and rail / train tickets, registration of foreigners, bar service, shuttle service, room service (food delivery to rooms), rent a laptop, visa support, translation services. Call now, we are waiting for you!

Stats total: 38687
Stats month: 108
Stats week: 26
Stats today: 5
Category room hotel
Hotel "Sardar"
3 000 KZT
3 000 KZT
"Economy" - clean and cozy studio apartment. It perfectly combines simplicity and style.   The Room has: Satellite TV. Air Conditioning. Price per night -3000 tenge...
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Address and contact
Shymkent, Tauke khan ave., 88 Tauke-Khan av.
Object orient: "BTA Bank"
Phone number