
ShymArt Guest House

ShymArt Guest House
ShymArt Guest house - hostel in Shymkent! 14 beds in dormitories: 1x10 beds room + 1x4 beds room Perfect location in city: not far from Shymkent city center, near the main avenue, but very quiet place, easy to find. --- The first art hostel in Shymkent (Shymkent, Shymkent). 14 sleeping places: 1х10 + 1х4. Convenient location in the city: next to the park area, sleeping area, near the city center, close to the central avenue. Parking is available. We are very easy to find!
Street parking
Stats total: 7893
Stats month: 1535
Stats week: 13
Stats today: 5
The hotel also offers
Shymkent, Tauke khan ave., 191a, Maily Kozha str.
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Address and contact
Shymkent, Tauke khan ave., 191a, Maily Kozha str.
Object orient: Behind Victory Park
Phone number