
Hotel "Rich" | Semipalatinsk


The new comfortable hotel "Rich" in Semey invites guests to stay in bright, clean rooms at reasonable prices. The river Irtysh is located not far from the hotel. Excellent service and friendly atmosphere will not leave You indifferent. The helpful staff will answer any of Your request.

Stats total: 40195
Stats month: 86
Stats week: 12
Stats today: 1
Category room hotel
Hotel "Rich" | Semipalatinsk
8 000 KZT
8 000 KZT
This is cozy room. There is everything necessary for Your comfort: cable TV, wireless Internet connection. Breakfast is included.
Hotel "Rich" | Semipalatinsk
11 000 KZT
11 000 KZT
This is cozy room. There is everything necessary for Your comfort: cable TV, wireless Internet connection. Breakfast is included.
Reviews: 1
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Jessica, 05:21, 27 Jan 2011 I recommend
Excellent rest in hotel, cleanliness!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Address and contact
Semey, Abay st., 106 Abay st.
Object orient: Diagnostic center, church.
Phone number