
Hotel "Triumph" | Ore

Standart room II category

Standart room II category
Sleeping places
Cosy double room with cable TV, telephone and shower.
cable TV
dressing gown
shower cabin
Stats total: 10202
Stats month: 42
Stats week: 9
Stats today: 2
Other room types
Hotel "Triumph" | Ore
6 500 KZT
6 500 KZT
Comfortable room with TV, telephone and shower.
Hotel "Triumph" | Ore
8 500 KZT
8 500 KZT
Cosy room with cable TV, telephone, work area and a shower.
Hotel "Triumph" | Ore
8 500 KZT
8 500 KZT
Cosy room with cable TV, telephone, work area and a shower.
Hotel "Triumph" | Ore
12 000 KZT
12 000 KZT
Spacious room with a cozy atmosphere. There is a mini-bar, television, telephone and comfortable furniture.
Hotel "Triumph" | Ore
13 500 KZT
13 500 KZT
Spacious rooms with a home atmosphere. There is a mini-bar, television, telephone and comfortable furniture.
5 500 KZT
Standard price
Address and contact
Rudniy, District Cuma, 22 Cosmonaut st.
Object orient:
Phone number