
Uyutny Dom HOSTEL"

Uyutny Dom HOSTEL

From 01.09.2019, at the request of our customers, we open a mini-hotel HOSTEL COZY HOME. Our hostel is hospitable 24 hours, 365 days a year. It is a detached cottage 200 sq. m., two floors, with WC and electric sauna on the ground floor, shower, bathroom on second floor, with bath on-site Parking, the availability of the Internet, several large spacious rooms for 30 beds. Large kitchen-dining room, equipped with all necessary utensils, there is a grill. For each guest we give clean linen and bath towel. Hostel COZY HOUSE is the property of the hotel company "WORLD of APARTMENTS", which also offers more than 50 apartments in the city center from economy class to apartments with author's design. We issue a full package of documents, work with organizations, invoice for payment, conclude contracts. A five-minute walk opened a new dining room "BESHBARMAK". We will be glad to see you in our COZY HOME.

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Address and contact
Petropavlovsk, city center, Ul.The Soviet 136
Object orient: The Launch area , dining options
Phone number