There is a great opportunity to spend the night in a cozy atmosphere of a one-room apartment. Apartment Bureau offers you a comfortable apartment. The apartment is for two people, the apartment has everything you need for living.
Petropavlovsk, Internatsionalnaya st., Buketov str.
Object orient: Cinema of Kazakhstan
Недорогая однокомнатная квартира на сутки в самом центре города Петропавловск. Квартирное Бюро предлагает вам комфортную квартиру. Квартира сдается на двоих человек, в квартире есть...
An excellent option for a day's rest in a one-room apartment. Apartment Bureau offers you a comfortable apartment. The apartment is for two people,...
Studio apartment for rent of luxury class in the center of Petropavlovsk (about bank Kazkom). There is cable TV, telephone (free unlimited calls to all...
Rent 1-bedroom apartment in the heart of the city. Area Iceberg supermarket, Taiga market and children's entertainment center MADAGASCAR. Zhambyl Zhabaeva 167. The apartment is...
A good option to spend the night in a one-room apartment in Petropavlovsk. Apartment Bureau offers you a comfortable apartment. The apartment is for...
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