
1-room apartment for daily rent in Pavlodar, №31605

1-room apartment for daily rent in Pavlodar
35 m2
Sleeping places

Rent 1-room apartment in Pavlodar, str Kasina 74, at the intersection of casino - Shevchenko, within walking distance of the Palace of sports of volleyball team, the RRC Batirol, TD, Greenwich, Fair. For your convenience: wi-fi, Smart TV, microwave oven, washing machine, air conditioning, iron, Hairdryer, always fresh linens, the apartment we do not smoke (Smoking is possible on the balcony), for parties and parties do not rent, Pets are not welcome. For travel full package of documents. We work on cash and Bank transfer. Day 4500 tenge, night-4000 tenge, the first hour is 2000 tenge, 500 tenge later, 2 days provide discounts. CLEAN-COMFORTABLE-COMFORTABLE. DAY-NIGHT-CLOCK. Call around the clock.

microwave oven
washing machine
land line
vacuum cleaner
iron, ironing board
hair dryer
disposable hygiene products
cable TV
TV with foreign channels
clothes dryer
water/tea/coffee, sugar, solt
soap, shampoo
no smoking
no pets
parking place
issue an invoice
Beauty salon
Automated Teller Machine
Indoor parking (paid)
Street parking
Air ticket office
Clothing store
Shopping center
Concert Hall
Swiming pool
Fitness center
Children's playground
Football field
Notary officer
Stats total: 6216
Stats month: 191
Stats week: 82
Stats today: 4
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1-bedroom apartment
4 500 KZT
4 500 KZT

1-bedroom apartment

Floor: 5, Rooms: 6, Sleeping places: 1
Pavlodar, Railway station; Bus station,
Object orient: Opposite the railway station and near Voenkomat
Rent an apartment near the railway station daily 4500-5000 tenge, 4000-4500 KZT night. Hour 1000 three hours 2000. From morning till evening 4000.Tolko for couples...
1-bedroom apartment daily
4 000 KZT
4 000 KZT

1-bedroom apartment daily

Floor: 5, Rooms: 6, Sleeping places: 1
Pavlodar, Railway station; Bus station,
Object orient: Car and railway station
We offer you to rent a cozy one-bedroom apartment in Pavlodar for 4000 tenge. House is panel, built in 1990. Good condition. Bathroom with toilet....
1-bedroom apartment daily
3 500 KZT
3 500 KZT

1-bedroom apartment daily

Floor: 2, Rooms: 10, Sleeping places: 1
Pavlodar, Str. Tolstoy; str. Kutuzova,
Object orient: Bayanaul
The cost of renting an apartment for a day from 3500 to 4000 tenge, for the night - 3000-3500 tg. Only for couples and travelers...
1-bedroom apartment daily
4 500 KZT
4 500 KZT

1-bedroom apartment daily

Floor: 9, Rooms: 10, Sleeping places: 1
Pavlodar, Str. Estay; Str. Bekturova; Str. 1st of May,
Object orient: Bazaar Managbay, College of Music, Barys Bazaar
Rent of one-bedroom apartment in Pavlodar. Nearby there is Bazaar Managbay, College of Music, Barys Bazaar. The cost of renting per night 4500-5500 tenge night...
1-bedroom apartment daily
4 500 KZT
4 500 KZT

1-bedroom apartment daily

Floor: 6, Rooms: 10, Sleeping places: 1
Pavlodar, Str. Satpayev; Str. Academician Chokina,
Object orient: Nazarbayev school and cardiology center
Rent of one-bedroom apartment in Pavlodar. Good condition. Bathroom is combined. Loggia. Metal door. Separate phone. Internet via cable TV. Parking. Partly furnished. Discounts for...
Apartment for Rent Suraganova, Pavlodar
4 500 KZT
4 500 KZT

Apartment for Rent Suraganova, Pavlodar

Floor: 1, Rooms: 6, Sleeping places: 1
Pavlodar, Railway station; Bus station,
Object orient: Suraganova intersection Chokina
Rent an apartment near the railway station daily 4500-5500 th. KZT, night 4000-4500 th. Tenge. Only for couples and travelers. When will continue. stay-discount. The...
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4 000 KZT
Standard price
500 KZT
Price hours
Address and contact
Pavlodar, Str. Tolstoy; str. Kutuzova, Kamzin
Object orient: The volleyball team, Batyr saying
Phone number