Daily rent studio apartment. Only for couples and travel, discounts in case of accommodation for a long term. There is an oven, washing machine, refrigerator, cable TV, Wi-Fi, issue all the documents. Smoking is strictly on the balcony. Always clean and comfortable. It is possible to taxi from the airport and other points of the city. Call us anytime, we are always glad to see you!
Pavlodar, Str. Satpayev; Str. Academician Chokina, Satpayev
Object orient: Cafe "Boss", 1 Pharmacy
Excellent apartment, weekly Euro-repair for couples and guests, is fully furnished, has everything including free Wi-Fi, cable TV, double bed, kitchen, LCD TV, microwave, mach...
This apartment in Pavlodar has a great location in the center of Pavlodar. Apartment is opposite the Main Post Office, Embankment. Good repair and cleanliness....
Pavlodar, Str. Satpayev; Str. Academician Chokina,
Excellent studio apartment in Midtown. Nearby there is a bus stop, shops and a pharmacy. Parks and cinemas. The apartment has everything for a comfortable...
Pavlodar, Str. Satpayev; Str. Academician Chokina, Krivenko str.
Object orient: Mosque
Rent one-bedroom apartment near the mosque. Pretty expensive furniture, has everything you need. Clean and well maintained apartment entrance. Only for 1-2 people. Issued the...