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1-room spacious, very clean, comfortable apartment, photo 100% corresponds to reality. Apartment for two and for business travelers. Noisy companies, please do not disturb. You can smoke on the balcony!
The apartment has everything for a comfortable stay:
- Clean, ironed bed linen
- Ideal cleanliness (obligatory wet cleaning is carried out)
- Free fast unlimited Wi-Fi
- TV
- 2 beds
- Cupboard
- Household appliances (cooker, fridge, microwave, kettle, dishes)
- Tea, coffee, sugar, sweets
In walking distance: "AUTO CITY", "BIG BEN PUB", "City bar", "5-stars", "MCK", "Brewman"
Call or write in WhatsApp 24/7 24/7!
Pavlodar, Str. Satpayev; Str. Academician Chokina, Tolstoy
Object orient: Home Apparels, Bayanaul
Rent a cozy one-bedroom apartment clean, it has everything you need: cable TV, microwave, telephone, electrical appliances, close to parking and shops. Two hours of...
This apartment in Pavlodar has a great location in the center of Pavlodar. Apartment is opposite the Main Post Office, Embankment. Good repair and cleanliness....
Rent an apartment for daily rent in the area of Station 5000-5.500tys day. KZT night 4.000-4500 thousand. tenge. Only for couples and travelers. When will...
Pavlodar, Str. Estay; Str. Bekturova; Str. 1st of May, Bekturova str.
Rent a great studio apartment. Nice area in Pavlodar. Clean, comfortable, has everything for a comfortable stay: TV, stove, refrigerator and much more. Document is...
Pavlodar, Str. Satpayev; Str. Academician Chokina,
Warm, cozy 1 bedroom apartment .Po street Ak.Chokina 34 Halyk Bank. Parking and convenience stores in the yard .Novy fresh remont.Bezuprechno clean, new bed belё.V...