Clean and comfortable apartment is for daily rent in the center of Pavlodar city. The apartment is fully furnished. There are all the appliances, cable TV. A complete package of documents is provided. Provide discounts for regular clients!
Pavlodar, Str. Satpayev; Str. Academician Chokina, Kamzin
Object orient: Kamzin str. - Tolstoi str.
Rent of the apartment in Pavlodar. We offer you a 2-bedroom apartment with a fresh renovation. Clean and comfortable. Always fresh linens and towels. The...
Pavlodar, Str. Satpayev; Str. Academician Chokina, Satpaev str.
Object orient: CDS
there is an excellent one-bedroom apartment in Pavlodar. In apartment there is all necessary furniture, all household appliances. Ror business travellers we provide all necessary...
Pavlodar, Str. Satpayev; Str. Academician Chokina,
Excellent one-bedroom apartment in the city center. There are all necessary for a comfortable prozhivaniya.V appliances, furniture, Wi-Fi.kabelnoe. Always clean and comfortable. The apartment is...
Pavlodar, Str. Satpayev; Str. Academician Chokina, Ak. Satpaeva str.
2-bedroom apartment in the center of the city. Clean, comfortable, renovated. New furniture. Water heater, washing machine, air conditioning. Only for couples and business travel....
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6 500 KZT
Standard price
Address and contact
Pavlodar, Str. Satpayev; Str. Academician Chokina, Bekturova str.