Rent of one-bedroom apartment in the city of Pavlodar, area of SC Bayantau, hypermarket Grenwich. The apartment has all appliances, all furniture. Clean, cozy and comfortable. Apartment is rented daily, weekly, hourly. For business travelers there is the full package of documents.
Pavlodar, Str. Estay; Str. Bekturova; Str. 1st of May, Ak. Bekturova str.
Object orient: Victory square
We offer you to rent a clean and cozy one-bedroom apartment in Pavlodar. The apartment is fully furnished and equipped with all appliances. The apartment...
Pavlodar, Str. Estay; Str. Bekturova; Str. 1st of May, Bekturova str.
Rent a great studio apartment. Nice area in Pavlodar. Clean, comfortable, has everything for a comfortable stay: TV, stove, refrigerator and much more. Document is...
Pavlodar, Str. Satpayev; Str. Academician Chokina, Satpayev
Rent 1-bedroom apartment night from 3500 and above. Depending on the condition and configuration of apartments. There are always additional offers. All questions by phone...
Pavlodar, Str. Quay; Str. Lenin, Naberezhnaya str.
Object orient: area of the central enbankment
I offer to rent a one-bedroom apartment in Pavlodar. The apartment is in good repair, clean, comfortable. Separate bathroom. Fully furnished. Available: appliances (TV, refrigerator,...
Pavlodar, Str. Satpayev; Str. Academician Chokina, Dyusenov str.
Object orient: city court №2
Comfortable clean studio apartment in the center of the city of Pavlodar, has all the necessary furniture, appliances, wi-fi, LCD TV, bed linen, very warm,...
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4 000 KZT
Standard price
Address and contact
Pavlodar, Str. Satpayev; Str. Academician Chokina, Kamzina str.