This apartment is located in Pavlodar opposite the station. The cost of renting an apartment for hour - 1000 tg, 3 hours - 2000 tg, 3700-4500 tg - day, the night of 2700-3500 tg. Only for couples and business travelers. Price depends on the day of the week and the number of nights stay, discount is provided. There is an oven, washing machine, refrigerator, cable TV, Wi-Fi. Print all of the documents. Smoking is strictly on the balcony. There are other options in the area of the station, next to the recruitment office and the train station across the road. Always clean and cozy. Taxi from the airport and other points of the city are available. Call anytime, always happy. Eugene
Pavlodar, Str. Quay; Str. Lenin, Naberezhnaya str.
Object orient: area of the central enbankment
I offer to rent a one-bedroom apartment in Pavlodar. The apartment is in good repair, clean, comfortable. Separate bathroom. Fully furnished. Available: appliances (TV, refrigerator,...
Pavlodar, Str. Estay; Str. Bekturova; Str. 1st of May, Ak. Bekturova str.
Object orient: Este - Academician Bekturov
Very comfortable, warm, bright, clean apartment for daily rent. The apartment is located in the city center, opposite City garden. New furniture, all necessary appliances,...
Reviews: 1
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valeria petrini, 03:17, 27 Feb 2015 I recommend
We are an Italian couple. We will came from Krakow to Pavlodar the 15th on March and we would like to stay 6 nights in your flat if it will be available...!
Please, We would like to know the price for 6 nights. Is it possible to have a discount?
We will came in Pavlodar to make the "OneThousand&OneNights;" project (www onethousandandonenightsworld com) and we will move in Mongolia after that.
Thank you for accepting our reservation.