1-bedroom apartment on the Urickii 74 str. Clean and comfortable apartment guests enjoy renting this apartment. The apartment is renovated, has all appliances to stay...
Pavlodar, Str. Satpayev; Str. Academician Chokina, Kamzina str.
Object orient: SC Bayantau
Rent of one-bedroom apartment in the city of Pavlodar, area of SC Bayantau, hypermarket Grenwich. The apartment has all appliances, all furniture. Clean, cozy and...
Pavlodar, Str. Estay; Str. Bekturova; Str. 1st of May, 1 May str.
Object orient: Manakbay bazaar
Very cozy, warm, bright clean apartment is available for rent in the center of Pavlodar (renovated in 2014), re-planning, wardrobe. Wi Fi. New furniture, has...
Object orient: railway station and the draft board
Rent an apartment near the railway station 4000-4.500tys day. KZT night 3.000-3500 thousand. tenge. Only for couples and travelers. When will continue. stay-discount. The price...
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3 500 KZT
Standard price
Address and contact
Pavlodar, Str. Satpayev; Str. Academician Chokina,