
Hotel "Akkol" | Kostanay


 "Akkol" hotel is located not far from railway station what is convenient for the guests of Kustanay. Price for deluxe room is 9000tg, for semi-luxe is 5500tg. There is cafe for 35 seats. 


Stats total: 44499
Stats month: 91
Stats week: 19
Stats today: 1
Category room hotel
Hotel "Akkol" | Kostanay
5 500 KZT
5 500 KZT
Comfortable hotel room in "Akkol" hotel in Kosyanay with a comfortable double bed. Very spacious and warm. There is a bathroom with Jacuzzi.
Hotel "Akkol" | Kostanay
5 500 KZT
5 500 KZT
Nice hotel room in "Akkol" hotel. Every room has large double bed, cable TV, bathroom with a shower.
Hotel "Akkol" | Kostanay
9 000 KZT
9 000 KZT
Comfortable deluxe room with a beautiful interior. Cozy and clean. Cable TV, mini-bar for quests of the hotel.
Hotel "Akkol" | Kostanay
9 000 KZT
9 000 KZT
Comfortable deluxe room includes two rooms - a bedroom with a nice interior and a living room. The room has cable TV. Bathroom equipped with...
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Address and contact
Kostanay, Al-Faraby st., 141/1, Al Faraby av.
Object orient:
Phone number