
Apartment for daily rent, №2518

Apartment for daily rent
35 m2
Sleeping places
1-room apartment for the short term rent in Kazan. Parking. Apartment is fully furnished. Refrigirator, cable tv, DVD, plastic windows. Pick up service at the airport.
Stats total: 5189
Stats month: 37
Stats week: 8
Stats today: 1
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1 bedroom apartment daily
6 000 KZT
6 000 KZT

1 bedroom apartment daily

Floor: 6, Rooms: 9, Sleeping places: 1
Kazan, Sovietski, Sakharova str.
Object orient: Mega-IKEA
One-bedroom apartment is rented daily and hourly (near MEGA-IKEA, Ashan, Yuzhni). Great location, well-developed infrastructure. Near the house you can find supermarket, shop 24 hours,...
Apartment for rent in kazan
6 000 KZT
6 000 KZT

Apartment for rent in kazan

Floor: 8, Rooms: 9, Sleeping places: 1
Kazan, Sovietski,
Object orient: MEGA-IKEA
Rent a Studio comfortable apartment by daily and hourly on Minskaya street (next to Mega-IKEA). Excellent location, developed infrastructure. There is all household appliances (TV,...
Reviews: 1
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MEHMET SIMSEK, 09:34, 3 Nov 2011 I recommend
Hi, I would like to rent this flat for 4 days between 5-9 november, I will come 2 days later to Kazan. is it available? may you send your answer my e-mail: Tel: +905354124310 Thank you Mehmet
6 000 KZT
Standard price
Address and contact
Kazan, Sovietski,
Object orient:
Phone number