
Fitness center "Қarқaraly baғdary"

Fitness center

Attention travelers! We invite you to a collective and families in comfortable cabins located in Karkaralinsk forest oasis. The houses created good living conditions (fridge, shower, TV, toilet ...). The conditions for self-cooking and eating. For those who like to sit around the campfire, we organize two or three day trips for groups of 10-12 people, with a visit to the monuments of nature Karkarala National Nature Park.

Stats total: 40268
Stats month: 138
Stats week: 71
Stats today: 1
Category room hotel
Fitness center "Қarқaraly baғdary"
8 000 KZT
8 000 KZT
House 6 people, 3 bedrooms with 2 beds. In the houses warm and cozy! There are all the necessary conditions (shower, toilet, electricity, water, bedding,...
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Address and contact
Karkaralinsk, Karkaralinsk, cableway
Object orient: Lake Pashino (Ropeway)
Phone number