
Hotel "Tulpar"


Comfortable hotel in Karaganda in a quiet area away from the noise. There is a cafe, billiard in the hotel. Comfortable rooms are of different categories, single and double rooms.



Stats total: 49202
Stats month: 121
Stats week: 14
Stats today: 2
Category room hotel
Hotel "Tulpar"
8 200 KZT
8 200 KZT
A comfortable two-room suite, with a spacious lounge and bedroom. Everything is done in an interesting style. Everything for your comfort.
The hotel also offers
Turkish bath "Hamam"
Turkish bath "Hamam"
Karaganda, Khrivoguza st., 79 Krivoguza st.
In the sauna you can relax and showers and body. There is a pool and recreation room. The cost is 5000 for 8 people per...
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Address and contact
Karaganda, Khrivoguza st., 79 Krivoguza st.
Object orient:
Phone number