
"Corona" hotel | Karaganda

Hotel of Karaganda "Corona" offers competitive pricing and guaranteed comfort. Shower is in each room. Hotel is located in a quiet place away from the noise...

Street parking
Shopping center
Children's playground
Football field
Notary officer
Stats total: 80272
Stats month: 239
Stats week: 44
Stats today: 1
Category room hotel
"Corona" hotel | Karaganda
16 000 KZT
16 000 KZT
Comfortable and cosy room. The spacious room is decorated in a classical style. In the room the bed is big and there is also a...
"Corona" hotel | Karaganda
5 800 KZT
5 800 KZT
Small comfortable room. Room is equipped with two beds, a TV-set. The room has a shower. It is an excellent economy option.
"Corona" hotel | Karaganda
10 000 KZT
10 000 KZT
Spacious Suite. The room is equipped with a large double bed, TV, bedside tables, a Desk, a bathroom.
"Corona" hotel | Karaganda
7 800 KZT
7 800 KZT
Single room of higher comfort. The room is equipped with a double bed, TV, bedside tables.
"Corona" hotel | Karaganda
11 000 KZT
11 000 KZT
The room is equipped with a large double bed and sofa. The room is very light and spacious.
"Corona" hotel | Karaganda
5 000 KZT
5 000 KZT
A small, cozy room. Queen bed. Desk. Nightstand. Fridge.
"Corona" hotel | Karaganda
6 600 KZT
6 600 KZT
Comfortable room. Cable TV. Fridge. Phone. A bathroom and a shower room in the hallway.
The hotel also offers
A restaurant
A restaurant
Karaganda, Erzhanova st., 35 Anzherskaya st.
Classy restaurant with high class of service.
Russian billiard
Russian billiard
Karaganda, Erzhanova st., 35 Anzherskaya st.
Russian billiard. The cost of russian billiard is 500tenge until 18:00, the cost is 700 tenge (after 18:00).
A cafe
A cafe
Karaganda, Erzhanova st., 35 Anzherskaya st.
Cozy cafe with great food.
Reviews: 1
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ZULFIGAR GILL, 18:44, 7 Nov 2010 I recommend
Hello, Do you have room for single bed for 11/11/10 for 2 nights.
Address and contact
Karaganda, Erzhanova st., 35 Anzherskaya st.
Object orient: Karaganda Economic University
Phone number