
1-room apartment for daily rent in Karaganda, №7273

1-room apartment for daily rent in Karaganda
32 m2
Sleeping places

1 bedroom apartment with all amenities in Karaganda for rent. The apartment is not rent for parties! It has everything you may need away from home: household appliances and furniture. Documents available for reporting. Call Now!

microwave oven
Beauty salon
Stats total: 7960
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1-room apartment for daily rent in the South-east
10 000 KZT
10 000 KZT

1-room apartment for daily rent in the South-east

Floor: 3, Rooms: 5, Sleeping places: 1
Karaganda, Yugo-Vostok,
Smoke-free, clean, cozy apartment. Smoking is allowed.
1-room apartment for a day in Karaganda
10 000 KZT
10 000 KZT

1-room apartment for a day in Karaganda

Floor: 2, Rooms: 5, Sleeping places: 1
Karaganda, Bukhar-Zhyrau av., Bukhar Zhyrau
Object orient: Railway station, children's hospital, dining room Kaganat
Rent a comfortable apartment in the 45 block and the station. Luxury, comfort, economy class. Near the station, children's hospital. TEC city Mall".
1-room apartment for daily rent in the center of K
10 000 KZT
10 000 KZT

1-room apartment for daily rent in the center of K

Floor: 2, Rooms: 5, Sleeping places: 1
Karaganda, Bowling Arman, Loboda
Luxury apartment. In the city centre, within walking distance of the medical University, city administration, Polytechnic University, regional administration, Central Department store, Abzal, DDU, DVD,...
1-room apartment for daily rent, Abdirova 7
10 000 KZT
10 000 KZT

1-room apartment for daily rent, Abdirova 7

Floor: 3, Rooms: 5, Sleeping places: 1
Karaganda, CUM (central store), Abdirova
Object orient: City Mall
I will rent a 1-room apartment on the Central Department Store. Everything is available for living.
1-room apartment for daily rent in Karaganda
10 000 KZT
10 000 KZT

1-room apartment for daily rent in Karaganda

Floor: 4, Rooms: 4, Sleeping places: 1
Karaganda, City center, Soldier-internationalist
Object orient: DKG
We offer for daily rent a luxury spacious apartment in the city center. The apartment is clean, comfortable, has everything you need for a comfortable...
1-Room Apartment per night, Karaganda
10 000 KZT
10 000 KZT

1-Room Apartment per night, Karaganda

Floor: 1, Rooms: 5, Sleeping places: 1
Karaganda, "Yubileynyi" store, Gogol
Object orient: Corner of N. Abdirov-Gogol, in the courtyard of the Anniversary Shop
The apartment has everything you need: refrigerator, microwave, kitchen utensils, bedding, towels, soap, toilet paper, plasma TV, cable TV. FOR NON-SMOKERS!!! More than 2 people...
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10 000 KZT
Standard price
2 000 KZT
Price hours
Address and contact
Karaganda, "Yubileynyi" store, Gogol
Object orient:
Phone number