
1-room apartment in the center of Karaganda, №5084

1-room apartment in the center of Karaganda
0 m2
Sleeping places

Excellent apartment with all amenities (microwave, refrigerator, titanium, stove, oven, TV, DVD player, electric kettle, iron, telephone). The apartment is located in the city center, clean, comfortable, possible meeting with the station. Always clean linen and towels. A complete set of documents, checks, invoice. Day 4500, night 4000, hourly pay 500 tenge. If it is necessary, we provide a laptop with Internet access (for a fee 1000 tg daily)!

microwave oven
land line
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1-room apartment for a day, Abdirov str.
5 000 KZT
5 000 KZT

1-room apartment for a day, Abdirov str.

Floor: 2, Rooms: 9, Sleeping places: 1
Karaganda, Abdyrova av., N. Abdirova
Object orient: shop "Dream"
Clean, comfortable apartment in the city center. Cable TV, LCD TV, Wi-fi, washing machine, refrigerator, microwave. There is everything for a comfortable stay of two...
1 bedroom apartment for rent, ul.Erubaeva
5 000 KZT
5 000 KZT

1 bedroom apartment for rent, ul.Erubaeva

Floor: 1, Rooms: 5, Sleeping places: 1
Karaganda, City center, Erubaev str.
Object orient: 1000 trifles
Convenient location. Nearby there is a parking, a supermarket, a sauna with a swimming pool, plastic surgery. All amenities, all appliances. The apartment does not...
1-room apartment for daily rent
5 000 KZT
5 000 KZT

1-room apartment for daily rent

Floor: 3, Rooms: 5, Sleeping places: 1
Karaganda, City center, Mozhaisk
Object orient: Near Central Department Store, the shopping center "City Mall", station.
Cozy, warm, not smoky apartment with repair and home style. Fully furnished, all appliances, TV, free unlimited high speed wi-fi internet. A full package of...
1-room apartment for daily rent
5 000 KZT
5 000 KZT

1-room apartment for daily rent

Floor: 2, Rooms: 9, Sleeping places: 1
Karaganda, Bukhar-Zhyrau av., Bukhar Zhyrau str.
Excellent apartment with all amenities (microwave, refrigerator, titanium, stove, oven, TV, DVD player, electric kettle, iron, telephone). The apartment is located in the city center,...
1-room apartment for daily rent
4 000 KZT
4 000 KZT

1-room apartment for daily rent

Floor: 2, Rooms: 3, Sleeping places: 1
Karaganda, Palace of Culture of Miners, Voinov - Internaciolistov str.
Object orient: Area of DKG
Rent of one-bedroom apartment in Karaganda. District dkg. Very clean, comfortable apartment will give you comfort and convenience when staying. There is cable TV and...
1-bedroom apartment
5 000 KZT
5 000 KZT

1-bedroom apartment

Floor: 2, Rooms: 5, Sleeping places: 1
Karaganda, Loboda st., Lobody str.
Object orient: Theatre. Stanislavsky
One bedroom apartment of economy class, spotlessly clean and tidy. The apartment is located in the center of the cultural part of the city. In...
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4 500 KZT
Standard price
Address and contact
Karaganda, Neighborhood Dreams, Nurkena Abdirova str.
Object orient:
Phone number