
1-room apartment in Karaganda, №19346

1-room apartment in Karaganda
Sleeping places

Convenient location in the city center. Repair, furniture and appliances.

microwave oven
iron, ironing board
cable TV
shower cabin
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1-room apartment for daily rent in the center
6 000 KZT
6 000 KZT

1-room apartment for daily rent in the center

Floor: 2, Rooms: 5, Sleeping places: 1
Karaganda, Bowling Arman, Alikanova
Object orient: cafe "Corizza"
Clean, spacious, comfortable, warm apartment in the center of the city, located behind the park with a fountain. There are all necessary appliances: fridge, kettle,...
1-room apartment for a day, Alikhanov 40
6 000 KZT
6 000 KZT

1-room apartment for a day, Alikhanov 40

Floor: 1, Rooms: 5, Sleeping places: 1
Karaganda, Bowling Arman, Alikhanova str.
Object orient: CC Begemot
A one-bedroom apartment near bowling "Arman" is daily rented. Repair, furniture, household appliances, internet, boiler, etc. The apartment is non-smoked. Travellers provided a complete package...
1-room apartment for daily rent in Karaganda
6 000 KZT
6 000 KZT

1-room apartment for daily rent in Karaganda

Floor: 2, Rooms: 4, Sleeping places: 1
Karaganda, Bukhar-Zhyrau av., Loboda
Object orient: Kaskad, Administration
All the amenities for living in comfort. Internet Wi-fi. All the necessary appliances, close parking, Downtown. We provide a complete package of documents (fiscal receipt,...
1-room apartment for daily rent in the center
6 000 KZT
6 000 KZT

1-room apartment for daily rent in the center

Floor: 3, Rooms: 5, Sleeping places: 1
Karaganda, Bukhar-Zhyrau av., Alikhanova str.
Object orient: Independece square
A clean studio apartment is rent in the area of Regional Administration (formerly Ispat karmet, Bukhara-Zhyrau). Modern design, all feature new furniture, automatic machine, refrigerator,...
1-room apartment for daily rent in the center
6 000 KZT
6 000 KZT

1-room apartment for daily rent in the center

Floor: 5, Rooms: 5, Sleeping places: 1
Karaganda, Erzhanova st., N. Abdirova
Object orient: School №41
Clean, spacious, comfortable, warm apartment in the city center, studio, Location - shop Jubilee. There are all necessary appliances: fridge, kettle, micro. stove, LCD TV,...
Apartment for rent in Karaganda
6 000 KZT
6 000 KZT

Apartment for rent in Karaganda

Floor: 4, Rooms: 5, Sleeping places: 1
Karaganda, Abdyrova av., Nurkena Abdirova sve.
Object orient: Stop Dream
Clean and comfortable studio apartment in the center of Karaganda. Absolutely all conditions for a comfortable stay and stay. Documents for travel.
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6 000 KZT
Standard price
1 000 KZT
Price hours
Address and contact
Karaganda, Bukhar-Zhyrau av., Bukhara-Zhyrau
Object orient:
Phone number