
Recreation zone "7YA"

Recreation zone
Friends! Come and enjoy the sun, the sea and the silence! We have a real summer and have everything you need for a comfortable and family holiday. You can lie on the sandy beach, plunge into warm water, sunbathe under the scorching sun. There is a sauna, a swimming pool for adults and children, cozy comfortable rooms, a swing, a gazebo, billiards, landscaped areas. The working hours are round the clock Cozy 2- and 3-bed rooms, each room has a shower, refrigerator, fan, toilet. Booking in advance - 8 700 216 64 59, 8 700 216 64 56, 8 747 823 65 87 Payment is in cash, from 7 thousand a day per person. Address: Kapchagai, 19 mkr. We will be glad to see you as our guest!
Indoor parking (paid)
Swiming pool
Stats total: 3680
Stats month: 676
Stats week: 6
Stats today: 1
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Kapchagay, ,
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