
Oskar Club

Oskar Club

Located 5 minutes from downtown Kapshagay and five minutes walk to the beach. Where on site are cozy double rooms, adult and children's pools, a gazebo for 12 people, a swing, a sandbox, deck chair, koktalnitsa, BBQ, Barbecue Armenian, Uzbek kettle, sauna, table tennis, badbinton, bike rental shop. Also available to order meals: Koktal seemed kebab, Uzbek pilaf. Each room is equipped with kitchenware, refrigerator, air conditioning, hot cold water, shower, toilet. Kitchen total.

Stats total: 7946
Stats month: 725
Stats week: 9
Stats today: 1
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Address and contact
Kapchagay, Kapchagay, Kogeday 10
Object orient: five minutes from the city center and a five minute walk to the town beach
Phone number