
"Sultan" Hotel | Borovoye

 Sultan hotel is located in the tourist zone of Borovoye resort, not far from the Shutchye lake. Comfortable rooms are of different categories and are equipped with all needed.



Stats total: 53772
Stats month: 93
Stats week: 27
Stats today: 1
Category room hotel
"Sultan" Hotel | Borovoye
17 000 KZT
17 000 KZT
A comfortable room with everything you need.
"Sultan" Hotel | Borovoye
30 000 KZT
30 000 KZT
Married couples, travelers, deluxe rooms.
"Sultan" Hotel | Borovoye
35 000 KZT
35 000 KZT
The most comfortable room of our hotel.
"Sultan" Hotel | Borovoye
30 000 KZT
30 000 KZT
Comfortable room with everything you need. The number of places to stay 4.
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Address and contact
Burabay resort zone, Shuche's lake, Burabay-Shuchinsk resort area
Object orient: Shuchye lake
Phone number