
"Arka" sanatorium | Burabay

 Sanatorium offers you a good place for rest in Borovoye resort. Food is 4 times a day. There are treatment procedures, sauna, conference-hall, cinema, library, board games, and excursions are in the sanatorium. The sanatorium is located near the Shutchye lake. 4-times meal and treatment procedures are included in the price.


Stats total: 45442
Stats month: 60
Stats week: 8
Stats today: 2
Category room
"Arka" sanatorium | Burabay
25 000 KZT
25 000 KZT
The room is very comfortable with two rooms. Price is per room 1 guest 30% of the cost of living. Included a one-time 4-course meal.
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Address and contact
Burabay resort zone, Shuche's lake, Burabay-Shuchinsk resort area
Object orient: Shuchye lake
Phone number