1-roomed apartment by the day from Quarts-hotels in Atyrau. The apartment is in city center, in the new elite house. There are all conditions for pleasant pastime. Protection, the Parking.
Object orient: Baizaar, Isatay and Makhambet Square, TCO
Brand new renovation, made in the most modern style. Expensive and high-quality furniture and decor elements give the apartment a perfect look. The apartment is...
Studio apartment, kitchen-studio is in the elite house with a guarded parking, in a prestigious district of the Atyrau city. 1,2,3 room apartment for daily...
Atyrau, md Saryarka; Satpayev; Kulmanov;, Satpaeva str.
Object orient: Pizzeria Pizza House
1 bedroom apartment in a new building in the city center. 1,2,3-bedroom apartments in Atyrau from the apartments "Atyrau-Rielt" with all amenities, fully furnished, internet,...
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8 000 KZT
Standard price
Address and contact
Atyrau, md Saryarka; Satpayev; Kulmanov;, Saryarka str.