A 1-bedroom apartment for rent in Atyrau. The apartment is fully furnished, has everything for a comfortable stay. Euro repair, cable TV, household appliances, clean, comfortable, all the amenities for recreation, clean bed.
A 1-bedroom apartment is rent in the city of Atyrau. The apartment is fully furnished. There are all necessary appliances: Cplit system, IDTV, unlimited internet,...
Atyrau, Railway station; Privokzalny; Baymuhanova;, 3 А
Object orient: Railway station
2-roomed apartment for rent in Privokzalnoye. Railway station, center. market "Dina" close. Transport access to all parts of the city, near supermarkets "Ataba", "Technodom", "Lemon",...
One bedroom apartment in the center of the repair, furniture and appliances. Well-developed infrastructure with a network of shops, pharmacies and banks. The full package...
We offer excellent daily rent two-bedroom apartment in a good area of the city of Atyrau. The apartment is clean, comfortable, has everything you need...
We offer you to rent a 2-bedroom apartment in Atyrau. The apartment is located near the railway station, Dina, Arbat. The apartment has everything necessary...
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6 000 KZT
Standard price
Address and contact
Atyrau, Abay; Kantseva; Drama Theatre; Passage;, Abaya str.