
Kozgan Hotel

Kozgan  Hotel

Kozgan  Hotel offers visitors and residents of the city cosy rooms, there are 2 rooms and Junior suites. The hotel is located on the guarded territory, parking is free. The hotel has a VIP sauna for 10 persons. We provide flexible system of discounts for corporate clients!!! Welcome!!!

Street parking
Stats total: 25729
Stats month: 116
Stats week: 17
Stats today: 1
Category room hotel
Kozgan  Hotel
6 000 KZT
6 000 KZT
there is standard room with two single beds. For your convenience, we are pleased to offer cable TV. The room is equipped with a shower...
Kozgan  Hotel
8 000 KZT
8 000 KZT
This junior suite is for one or two guests. There is double bed, plasma TV, cable TV. Bathroom equipped with shower cabin.
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Address and contact
Astana, Right Bank, ul.Akzhol 30A
Object orient: supermarket Astykzhan
Phone number