
Hotel "Zere Lux"


Hotel "Zere Lux" offers to host 9 rooms - 5 rooms suites and 4 standard rooms, a restaurant, free Wi-Fi in public areas. Breakfast is included in the price.

Stats total: 22249
Stats month: 171
Stats week: 84
Stats today: 5
Category room hotel
Hotel "Zere Lux"
8 000 KZT
8 000 KZT
The number will spoil you with two single beds. Classical interior trim added amenities for guests including a spacious bathroom with shower.
Hotel "Zere Lux"
10 000 KZT
10 000 KZT
A large room with two beds, a separate dedicated lounge area and bedroom, perfect for a family holiday.
The hotel also offers
Astana, Right Bank, 41/2 Abylai-Khan av.
The restaurant has an elegant classical style, and the muted soft light create an atmosphere of warmth and coziness.
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Address and contact
Astana, Right Bank, 41/2 Abylai-Khan av.
Object orient: The Republican Guard
Phone number