
Silk way hostel

Silk way hostel
Number of bathrooms: 2
Man room, Women room
Beauty salon
Automated Teller Machine
Street parking
Children's playground
Football field
Stats total: 8248
Stats month: 59
Stats week: 18
Stats today: 4
Category room hostel
Silk way hostel
2 200 KZT
2 200 KZT
The female number contains 6 beds (3 and 2 bunk beds). Absolutely clean and new bed, personal hand towels, a new ironing board and a...
Silk way hostel
2 200 KZT
2 200 KZT
The male room contains 6 beds (3 and 2 bunk beds). Absolutely clean and new bed, personal hand towels, a new ironing board and a...
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Address and contact
Astana, Right Bank, Temirbek ZHurnenov str., h. 27/1
Object orient: Area of the central square and the mosque of Azret Sultan
Phone number