
Hotel "Salem" | Almaty


Are you in a business trip, travelling and looking for a place to stay? Then we know how to help you! You are always welcome to “Salem” hotel.
We are pleased to offer you:
- Comfortable rooms for your ultimate convenience, luxury suites;
Rooms are equipped with air conditioner, mini bar, wireless internet, cabel TV;
- Atmosphere of quietness where you can relax from every day fuss;
- Fast and effective service for each client.

Careful hotel staff is always ready to help you. High quality service and available cost will appeal you.
We can also offer you a flexible discount system.
Good location of the hotel in the center of the Almaty is one of the most important factors when making a choice.

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Stats month: 252
Stats week: 56
Stats today: 5
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Address and contact
Almaty, Medeuskiy dist., Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 48a Dostyk ave.,
Object orient: Palace of the Republic, the monument to Shevchenko
Phone number