
"Berkana" hotel

Hotel "Berkana" is located in the city center, not far from Almaty airport / railway station, shopping centers and parks. Also in close proximity to the hotel Almaty "Berkana" is a medical center and several restaurants (in the hotel). 13 cozy and comfortable rooms of the hotel Berkana equipped with the latest technology and the Internet. All the amenities for guests of Almaty.

Stats total: 34785
Stats month: 151
Stats week: 19
Stats today: 1
Category room hotel
"Berkana" hotel
12 500 KZT
12 500 KZT
Standard room of "Berkana" hotel is equipped with cable TV, landline and international phone communications, Internet Access, fridge, shower cubicle, bath, air-conditioner. 2 persons: 18500tg/123$.
"Berkana" hotel
13 500 KZT
13 500 KZT
Junior suite of Berkana hotel is equipped with cable TV, landline and international phone communications, Internet access, fridge, shower cubicle, bath, air-conditioner. 2persons: 20500tg/137$.
"Berkana" hotel
19 500 KZT
19 500 KZT
Suite of "Berkana" hotel is equipped with cable TV, landline and international phone communications, Internet access, fridge, shower cubicle, bath, ait-conditioner. 2persons: 23500tg/157$.
"Berkana" hotel
23 000 KZT
23 000 KZT
Suite-premium of "Berkana" hotel is equipped with cable TV, landline and international phone communications, Internet access, fridge, shower cubicle, bath, air-conditioner. 2persons: 29500tg/197$.
Reviews: 1
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Greta, 03:45, 26 Sep 2015 I recommend
Could you please send me by post a small brochure or postcard from your hotel to: Greta 14 Sanford Gardens HP111 1QT Bucks United kingdom Kind regards, Greta
Address and contact
Almaty, Bostandikskiy dist., 83, Ayteke be str.
Object orient: railway station, Zangar trade center, "Silk way city", culture and recreation park
Phone number