Separate entrance:
There is, Number of bathrooms: 2
We are the first women's CAPSULE hostel in Almaty and Kazakhstan in General!
In our hostel, single beds are equipped in the form of a capsule for each guest, with sincere care for her.⠀ the
Capsules are designed so that they create a sense of privacy, a comfortable sense of privacy, in short, a favorable atmosphere for relaxation, where you can read a book with gusto, watch your favorite movie or just sleep comfortably.
There are also 2 VIP rooms with a double bed.
Our hostel is designed to increase the number of women traveling to Almaty.
We want women arriving in Almaty to feel safe, comfortable and not afraid to travel.
By doing
so, we want to contribute to the safety and care of women by drawing public attention to the special needs of women for safety and comfort.
We want our guests to love Almaty as much as we love it and feel surrounded by care and attention.
Come to us to feel our care for you.
⠀ We
look forward to seeing you, your @tomiris_hostel_almaty
Beauty salon
Notary officer
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