Clean, comfortable, fridge, washing machine, cable TV, TV, all appliances.
If you love to travel and know the value of money, but the most pleasant atmosphere, safety and comfort, our hostel The Best (Budget Hotel) will you prefer. All major attractions of the city - within walking distance. The first and most saturated market Green Bazaar - 100m Almaty Central Mosque - 100 meters Ice Arena Halyk Arena - Almaty 3km Railway station №2 - 1.5km Park them. Gorky - 2km GUM - 500m skating rink Medeo 15km Central stop Sayakhat (former bus station) - 300 meters from us, you can go to any place in Almaty and Almaty region on buses and special buses. Spacious rooms from 1 to 14 seats. Location Hostel securely hides it from the city's hustle and bustle. Free personal parking. Comfortable guest room equipment: beds, cabinets, safes for valuables, security, showers, a gym, table tennis, and all you need for a comfortable stay! Perfect for athletes! On request breakfast and dinner!
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