
Hotel "Weekend renovacio" | Almaty


"Weekend renovacio" Hotel is located in Almaty on the territory of cultural and leisure complex. The complex offers a good rest and entertainments. The territory is equipped with walking paths, children and summer playgrounds; there is a football pitch and swimming pool. We have all conditions for your recreation.

Stats total: 29112
Stats month: 68
Stats week: 7
Stats today: 1
Category room
Hotel "Weekend renovacio" | Almaty
18 000 KZT
18 000 KZT
There is a comfortable room with balcony and private bathroom. Room is equipped with comfortable soft furniture and there is everything you need for having...
Hotel "Weekend renovacio" | Almaty
22 000 KZT
22 000 KZT
There are comfortable two rooms equipped with comfortable and beautiful furniture and necessary appliances. The room consists of lounge, balcony, bedroom and bathroom.
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Address and contact
Almaty, Bostandikskiy dist., Alma-Arasan route, the 10th km., Dam №1
Object orient:
Phone number