Rent 2-room apartment in the center of Almaty, within walking distance of the Mega shopping center, First President Park, boutiques and supermarkets, a gallery of restaurants, beauty salons, cinemas, Happylon children's park, banks and exchange offices. For lovers of active recreation, there is a beautiful Almarasan gorge in the 15-20 minutes drive, on the way to the gorge there are a lot of cafes and open-air restaurants, and the well-known TAU SPA Center well known throughout the city. Sleeps 4. 4-bed bed, The apartment has everything you need for a comfortable stay: Interncable, household appliances, a bed, a stove and all the utensils needed for cooking and eating, a washing machine, clean bed linen and towels. Very clean and comfortable. Minimum stay is 2 nights. When concluding a lease agreement, a security return deposit is made - the rental price per day. Traveler reporting documents. Call, there is whatsapp.sofa.
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