
The recreation area "Camara" | Alakol

The recreation area
N Location. Akshi 100 m. From the recreation area Comfort, distance from the lake 300 m. There are holiday homes for 30 people, dining room is designed to accommodate 40 seats. The two brick houses with euro renovation, in each of which there are 3 rooms where there are 2 beds double and a single room twin 3 beds, in the common room has a sofa bed, satellite TV, refrigerator, in this house has a shower, toilet , washing machine, and air conditioning in every room.
Stats total: 22316
Stats month: 110
Stats week: 29
Stats today: 4
Category room
The recreation area "Camara" | Alakol
5 000 KZT
5 000 KZT
Standard room
The recreation area "Camara" | Alakol
9 000 KZT
9 000 KZT
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Address and contact
Alakol, Alakol, Akshi village
Object orient: Kazakhstan, Almaty region Alakol district, village Akshi
Phone number