
"Khan Tengri" hotel | Aktobe

"Khan Tengri" hotel offers restaurant, cafe with summer terraseto every visitant of Aktobe town. Every hotel room equipped with bathroom, fridge, telephone, conditioner. There is a parking nearby.



Stats total: 56713
Stats month: 172
Stats week: 34
Stats today: 8
Category room hotel
"Khan Tengri" hotel | Aktobe
10 000 KZT
10 000 KZT
The room is equipped with all the necessary to feel comfort and coziness. All the furniture was chosen in accordance with the classic style of...
"Khan Tengri" hotel | Aktobe
5 000 KZT
5 000 KZT
This is spacious standard room. The modern and comfortable furniture creates an ideal atmosphere for work and rest. Bathroom equipped with shower.
"Khan Tengri" hotel | Aktobe
15 000 KZT
15 000 KZT
Suite room consists of two rooms, a cozy living room and spacious bedroom. The room is decorated in elegant pastel colors. The room has a...
The hotel also offers
Aktobe, Pr.Pobedy; Zhilgorodok;, 29 Zavodskaya st.
This is an excellent place for dining with family and friends.
Aktobe, Pr.Pobedy; Zhilgorodok;, 29 Zavodskaya st.
Cafe invites you to spend the hot summer days and to eat delicious dishes!
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Address and contact
Aktobe, Pr.Pobedy; Zhilgorodok;, 29 Zavodskaya st.
Object orient: Malyshka store
Phone number