For rent studio apartment in the 11th district, near the school №9. Beside shops Dean Anwar. The house with a fenced yard, concierge. Clean and comfortable apartment. Home appliances, furniture and clean linens.
Aktobe, Abul Khair Khan Ave.; Str. Eset Batyr; pr. Alia Moldagulova, Abulkhair Khan
Object orient: Kosmos district (#21,27 schools, Kuanysh Clinic)
1-room apartment with improved layout. district Space (#of 21.27 school,Clinic Kuanysh) PR. abulhair Khan. d. 60 case 1. There is everything you need for a...
Aktobe, Railway station; Pushkin Park, Patolicheva str.
Object orient: TemirBank, School №22
A one-bedroom apartment is rent in perfect condition after the repair. The apartment is clean and comfortable. Quiet courtyard, air conditioner. Nearby there are shops,...
Rent: 1 bedroom apartment renovated, borough market Altay, 8 neighborhood (near the Savings Bank, BTA Bank, Bank CenterCredit, Kaspi Bank, they .Baisheva University, College of...
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