
Hotel "Aray" | Aktau


 "Aktau" hotel is located not far from the sea side. Hotel room has amenities. There is a nice cafe. Many store, beauty centers, supermarkets are nearby. The beach is 10 minutes away. "Aray" hotel also offers three-room apartment for $33 a day.



Stats total: 33238
Stats month: 98
Stats week: 36
Stats today: 1
Category room hotel
Hotel "Aray" | Aktau
11 000 KZT
11 000 KZT
Room is equipped with a large bed "king size" requires double occupancy. The bathroom has a shower. The list of amenities includes satellite and cable...
Hotel "Aray" | Aktau
14 000 KZT
14 000 KZT
Room is equipped with a large bed "king size" requires double occupancy. The bathroom has a shower. The list of amenities includes satellite and cable...
Hotel "Aray" | Aktau
18 000 KZT
18 000 KZT
Room is equipped with a large bed "king size" requires double occupancy. The bathroom has a shower. The list of amenities includes satellite and cable...
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Address and contact
Aktau, Mcr.district 9, 1, 9 mcr. dstr.
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Phone number