
Cottage hotel type

Cottage hotel type
Cottage hotel type is located in the coastal zone of the city of Aktau. The Caspian Sea is 100 meters from the cottage. Near the beach "Dostar" city beach, beach "Nur Plaza", hotel type Cottage offers 14 double comfortable rooms. The rooms have all the amenities. The rooms are equipped with air-conditioning, satellite TV. Each room has a spacious bathroom always present toiletries, hot and cold water all year round. It offers laundry, parking. A polite and friendly staff are always at your service.
Street parking
Stats total: 12328
Stats month: 68
Stats week: 22
Stats today: 1
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Address and contact
Aktau, by sea, Primorskaya street. Zhemchuzhnaya 39
Object orient: Primorskaya street. Zhemchuzhnaya 39
Phone number